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The top 4 ways to Capture Leads at Trade Shows: From Pen and Paper to Cutting-Edge Mobile Apps

Welcome, fellow exhibitors, to the ultimate guide on how to capture leads at trade shows like a seasoned pro! In this rollercoaster ride of wit and wisdom, we’ll uncover the top ways to capture those elusive leads, from the tried-and-true methods of pen and paper to the cutting-edge technology of trade show lead capture apps. So strap in, hold onto your business cards, and let’s embark on this exhilarating journey together!

1. Pen and Paper: The Old Reliable

Ah, the classic combo of pen and paper—tried, tested, and trusted by generations of trade show exhibitors. With this timeless duo in hand, you can capture leads with the flick of a wrist and the stroke of a pen. But before you dust off your trusty notepad, let’s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Simplicity: Pen and paper require no special training or technical know-how—just good old-fashioned writing skills.
  • Accessibility: They’re readily available, inexpensive, and don’t rely on batteries or internet connectivity.
  • Customization: You can tailor your lead capture form to fit your specific needs and preferences, with no limits on design or layout.


  • Manual Entry: Transcribing leads from paper to digital format can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially with large volumes of leads.
  • Limited Data: Paper forms may not capture as much information as digital forms, leading to missed opportunities for detailed lead profiling.
  • Data Security: Paper forms are susceptible to loss, damage, or unauthorized access, raising concerns about data security and privacy compliance.

2. Tablet with a Web Form: The Digital Dynamo

Enter the digital age with a tablet equipped with a web form—a sleek and sophisticated alternative to the humble pen and paper. With the power of technology at your fingertips, you can capture leads with ease and efficiency. But before you tap into this digital dynamo, let’s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Efficiency: Digital forms streamline the lead capture process, allowing attendees to input their information directly into a web-based form with just a few taps.
  • Accuracy: By eliminating manual data entry, digital forms reduce the risk of errors and ensure that lead information is captured accurately and efficiently.
  • Integration: Web forms can be seamlessly integrated with CRM systems or lead management software, enabling real-time data synchronization and automated follow-up workflows.


  • Dependency: This usually requires the attendee to do something which may be a show stopper.
  • Learning Curve: Using a tablet and web form may require some level of familiarity with technology, which could be challenging for less tech-savvy booth staff or attendees.
  • Cost: While tablets are becoming more affordable, outfitting your booth with multiple tablets for lead capture could still represent a significant investment.

3. Collect Business Cards: The Manual Moves

Ah, the business card—the currency of networking, the ticket to the inner circle. With a pocketful of these little rectangles of possibility, you can capture leads with style and finesse. But before you start playing the networking ninja, let’s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Personal Touch: Exchanging business cards adds a personal touch to lead capture, fostering rapport and building relationships with prospects.
  • Instant Gratification: With business cards in hand, you have immediate access to key contact information, making follow-up communication quick and easy.
  • Versatility: Business cards can be used in various settings beyond trade shows, making them a valuable networking tool for future interactions.


  • Poor Notes: Business cards typically contain basic contact information, such as name, company, and email address, but don’t have much space to write good notes about your conversation with prospects.
  • Manual Entry: Like pen and paper, collecting business cards requires manual data entry into a digital database, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Plus, if your company is sending you to a swanky hotel, wouldn’t you rather spend more time at the pool.
  • Dependency: Business cards are physical objects that can be lost, damaged, or misplaced, so there’s a risk of missing out on leads if cards are not properly collected and stored.

4. Using a Lead Capture App: The Technological Trailblazer

Step into the future with a lead capture app—a technological trailblazer that harnesses the power of smartphones to revolutionize the lead capture process. With a few taps on your device, you can capture leads with speed and precision. But before you download that app, let’s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Speed and Efficiency: Lead capture apps streamline the process of collecting and managing leads, allowing attendees to input their information quickly and easily.
  • Real-time Sync: Lead capture apps can sync data in real-time with your CRM system or lead management software, ensuring that all leads are captured and processed without delay.
  • Advanced Features: Many lead capture apps offer advanced features such as customizable forms, lead scoring, and analytics, enabling you to capture richer data and gain deeper insights into your leads.


  • Technical Requirements: Trade show lead capture apps like Handshook require smartphones or tablets with compatible operating systems, so exhibitors must have access to a compatible device to participate.
  • Learning Curve: Using a new app may require some level of training or familiarization, which could be challenging for booth staff who are not tech-savvy. This is negated by selecting one lead capture or lead retrieval app for your entire sales team to use when at trade shows.
  • Data Security: Like any digital tool, lead capture apps raise concerns about data security and privacy compliance, so it’s essential to choose a reputable app with robust security measures in place.


In conclusion, capturing leads at trade shows requires a strategic approach that balances efficiency, effectiveness, and ease of use. Whether you opt for the classic simplicity of pen and paper, the digital dynamism of a tablet with a web form, the networking ninja move of collecting business cards, or the technological trailblazing of a lead capture app, the key is to choose a method that aligns with your goals, preferences, and resources. So go forth, dear exhibitors, and may your lead capture efforts be as smooth and successful as a well-oiled machine on the trade show floor!

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