Finally, a Universal Lead Capture App for all of your Trade Shows & Events!

Instantly capture leads, verify contacts with AI, easily connect on LinkedIn, schedule appointments and more with anyone you meet at any trade show, expo, or business event!

iOS App StoreGoogle Play Contact us for team pricing or to see a custom demo.
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One App to Capture it all!

Scan Business Cards

Uses AI to identify and label contact information from any physical business card.

Scan Event Badges

Finds website, LinkedIn, and email address based on name and company.

Scan Digital Cards

Works with HiHello, Popl, Blinq, Dot Card, Mobilo, and other digital business cards.

Works at any event!

Use at any event or trade show, deploy to your entire sales and marketing team.

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Scan a Stack of Business Cards or One-by-One

Save a ton of time and never lose a contact or business opportunity again!
  • Group connections by event for simple organization.
  • Tag contacts for easy retrieval.
  • One tap to call or send an email.
  • Link with tools like Calendly and Microsoft Bookings to schedule appointments.

Uses AI for Accuracy, Speed, and Ease

Makes lead capture simple, fast and accurate

  • Automatically identify contact information
  • Easily locate and connect on LinkedIn.
  • Quickly fill in missing information like email addresses and website details from badges and business cards
  • Saves time while talking to leads
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Connect on LinkedIn with a Single Tap

Locate, connect, and message on LinkedIn instantly!

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    Goodbye Manual Entry. Hello Time.

    Effortlessly add notes and export to your CRM of your choice.

    • Add notes to remember key details or use voice to text to dictate conversations.
    • Export to Excel in app or on the web.
    • Import to the CRM of your choice.
    • Save valuable time that could be spent on follow-up or demos.

    Watch a demo

    Networking and Trade Shows will never be the same. See Handshook in action!

    Make Networking Easy

    Make networking a breeze with these great benefits.

    Book Appointments in App via Calendly, Microsoft Bookings, and Acuity
    Book Appointments
    Schedule meetings directly.

    Link with services like Calendly, Acuity, or Microsoft Bookings to schedule meetings and sales calls.

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    Stay Organized
    With Tagging & Event Groups

    Never miss an opportunity again by misplacing a business card. Use tags and event groups to stay organized!

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    Export Anywhere
    Export to your CRM or Excel

    Never miss a business opportunity. No more manual entry of business contacts into your CRM.

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    One App, All Events
    Works at any Trade Show or Event

    Stop paying thousands for mediocre CRM mobile apps and lead capture / lead retrieval apps at trade shows.

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    Find Missing Info
    Suggests missing contact details

    Magically suggest missing information such as email addresses, LinkedIn profile, and websites.

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    Understand ROI
    Know which events are best.

    Stop guessing which events are best for your organization and start focusing on your most successful ones.

    Download Today to Start Your 7-Day Free Trial!

    Download now and experience networking nirvana...

    Download iOSDownload on Google Play Contact us for team pricing or to get a customized demo.
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